Welcome to My Personal Portfolio Blog!
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- Written by: Ravenfreak
- Category: Site Information
- Hits: 300
Hey there I want to thank you for finding my little corner of the internet! I mainly made this site to share what projects I'm working on and that also includes my websites. I'll most likely refrain from posting personal things here since I have a blog thread on my main forum, Thee Zone. Keep an eye on this site for any updates on the projects I'm working on. This also includes my various Sonic hacking related projects too! I'll even get around to sharing old projects I worked on, and even some of them might be projects I abandoned.
Thee Zone, General Discussion Forum
- Details
- Written by: Ravenfreak
- Category: Ravenfreak's Websites
- Hits: 268
What is Thee Zone? Thee Zone is a combination of three communities that merged to become one mega community! I founded this forum in May of 2023, and was a mix of a few of my old forums VG Challenges, Battlebots Nation, and Rikaji. All three were somewhat similar so I decided to just merge them all together. It's currently using Woltlab Suite, a paid forum software. The word "thee" means "you" and I made the community for others to share their projects, discuss their daily lives, and just to have a good time.
Thee Zone used to have a roleplaying section, but since no one was using it I omitted it from the site. Some of the old metadata on Google might still have this listed, or old promotional threads on a few forums may have this listed as well. There is a place where you can share your own written works like fanfiction and non fiction stories. We don't allow adult related content on the forums though, since we want to be family friendly. We also don't want people to promote adult related content on the site either. We also offer a debate section, as well as current events section if you're interested in that material. Come check it out today and join if you love forums! https://thee.zone/